Fake Chinese goods is a problem…but these knockoff brands are hilarious.
In our world today, the battle between counterfeiters and patent holders is in full swing. This is a list of the best (worst?) Chinese knockoffs that I’ve seen and it just goes to show you how far bootleggers will go to rip a good idea off, and oftentimes, the results are hilarious.
Everybody knows that China loves to create fake name-brand products. You can’t walk through Beijing or Shanghai without finding a counterfeit Rolex watch selling for $5 or a knockoff Nike shirt for $2. Everyone should know that China is very notorious for its lack of creativity.
Sometimes these Chinese fakes are unbelievably good. You can’t even tell the difference. There are other times, however, when the knockoff is so bad, so…wrong…that it can’t be categorized any other way than as a big, fat FAIL.
Enjoy a good laugh as you browse through 19 of the most stunning China knockoff fails!
China Loves ADIDAS!
Without a doubt, Adidas ranks #1 for the most faked brand in China. Why? Probably because it’s so easy to misspell their name.
Of course, why misspell the brand when you can just tweak their trademarks for your own benefit? Gotta love Adidas’ iconic three bars on the following shoe:
…And Every Other Sports Brand
Using classic Chinese ingenuity, the manufacturer of this bag above and the shoes below decided that simply rearranging the letters of “Nike”, they could create a brand that nobody would know is fake. Genius!!
Then again, you could just change one letter to create a whole new word, like changing “Birkenstock” to “Birkin Stick”. Again, the work of a creative master.
I can just hear the sales person now… “You want real Converse shoe? I give you good price. Good deal just for you” (pulls out trusty calculator).
But It’s Not Just Sports Brands That China Loves
They’re also big fans of ripping off brands like Apple…

In case you’re wondering, that’s not a real Apple Store. Oddly, the employees have been duped into thinking they work for Apple, but they don’t. China ended up closing a lot of these fake stores because it was so embarrassing.

Perhaps people won’t realize that these are not actually phones?
It’s not just Apple, though. You’ll love the various Starbucks knockoffs!
The best fake Starbucks of all, however, is the one that decided to switch the “b” for an “f”. What the $@&!?
Game Boy + Xbox = ??
Abercrombie & __??__
You know, based on their style of advertising in the United States, I think that Abercrombie and Fitch might actually approve of this fake.
More China Translation Fails
If you like fake brands and translation fails, you’ll really enjoy the China Mike collection of Bathroom Sign translation fails and other great examles of horrible Chinglish (bad English).
Likewise, I’ve curated some of my favorite funny and offbeat China moments that will have you laughing hard.